Monday, March 12, 2012

DMK: "Everything Counts"

DMK: Everything Counts
Dicken feat. Milah & Korben is now DMK. Visit our band page -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, xylophone, kazoo, tambourine, soda bottle and voice. Milah Schrader: Recorder, rattle, windchime and voice. Korben Schrader: Toy keyboard, maraca, cheese grater and voice. Music and lyrics by Martin L. Gore (Depeche Mode) The handshake seals the contract, from a contract there's no turning back, the turning point of a career in Korea being insincere. The holiday was fun-packed, the contract still intact. The grabbing hands grab all they can, all for themselves after all. The grabbing hands grab all they can, all for themselves, after all. It's a competitive world... Everything counts in large amounts. The graph on the wall tells the story of it all. Picture it now, see just how the lies and deceit gained a little more power. Confidence taken in by a suntan and a grin. -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Teclado, xilófono, kazoo, pandereta, botella d! e gaseosa y voz. Milah Schrader: Flauta dulce, sonajero, carillón y voz. Korben Schrader: Teclado de juguete, maraca, rallador de queso y voz. Música y letra de Martin L. Gore (Depeche Mode) El apretón de manos sella el contrato, de un contrato no hay vuelta atrás, el punto de quiebre de una carrera en Corea siendo insincera. La festividad estuvo llena de diversión, el contrato aun intacto. Las manos que agarran agarran todo lo que pueden, todo para ellas después de todo. Las manos que agarran agarran ...


Чихуахуа подпевает RHCP
Чихуахуа воет при звуках песни Red Hot Chili Peppers 'Otherside'.