This video shows the visual part of our greatest project - 3d enviro "Nux". For now it's only at the beginning stage - first impulse. But unexpectedly there appeared so many weird surprises in this project that now we can't even tell where it's going to lead us. We feel ourselves like Oddyseys - coast (native land) stays all the time farther from us. But we don't feel ourselves frightened or sad. Instead we've got rid of fears and regrets about which we hadn't even known. Perhaps we have to tell others about this interesting experience, about these unexpected things we reveal again and again. The farther we go, the more fascinating opportunities we see. This generates impressions we didn't expect when we were at the beginning. This may be something which our predecessors have been doing for thousand years and then lost it somewhere. Back then, it seems, they were creating their reality on their own. We found this forgotten trail and were deeply impressed. We wanted to create! only something for entertainment, for ourselves. Most videogames have this boring missions and all these limitations - you can enter here, but not here - it's like in school. Even the usual reality can be more interesting. And we started to create something, almost like our around us in the real life, but decided to add a portion of beauty. And then it began. We started to seek some new unusual designs for buildings, cloth or cars, and opened something unexpected. Even simple t-schirts will soon know ...